Thursday, February 21, 2013


Use Mathematical Logic:

The US (and UK) rulers, corporations and politicians, are not stupid.

 They can see as well as us what is happening around the world.

They know that the only Salafist, Wahhabi, state is Saudi Arabia, which is also the main (only?) source of finance for the Salafists.

Salafists are the Jihadists.

The US and UK are staunch supporters of S Arabia.

The US and UK are the main supplier of arms to S Arabia.

The US and UK knew that supporting the Jihadist to drive the Soviet Union from Afghanistan and getting S Arabia to finance and create the Madrasas (the origin of Taliban), and ISI, the Pakistani Intelligence, which played a major role in the creation and sustenance of the Taliban, was going to create a strong and lasting fundamentalist Muslim organisation of Jihadists.

The US and UK know as well as we do that their current approach to “Terrorism” is converting more Muslims to the Jihadist point of view.

Salafists are mortal enemies of Shias.

The main force fighting against the Salafists within the Muslim world are the Shias and Iran is the most powerful Shia country.

The US and UK and Israel are doing all they can to weaken Iran.

So, the only conclusion we can draw is that the US, UK and Israel and probably the rest of the West, want the Salafists to gain strength. This would suggest that there is a conscious decision to maintain a force in the world that will justify the perpetual war that is absolutely essential to sustain the current form of Capitalism. This will also explain why the there is such a fierce drive to make sure that the public in the West is firmly contained by the use of methods that the Western countries are employing to prevent any protest.